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As a breath of fresh air, catapulting to new heights; birthing a unique style all her own with a rich innovative sound, this Atlanta native has brought a new era to the music industry, not only as an artist, but a writer as well; by her amazing combination of R&B and Hip Hop.

After listening to high energy lyrics that inspire, and fuels soul, Chazzie's music, speaks volumes, she is a trailblazer, bringing a universal dynamic to every track she touches, making her Super Natural. Unlike most artist out today, you can never predict the turn any of her songs will take.

Chazzie's worked with a world of phenomenal unknown talent as well as known artist Cee-Lo Green and Killer Mic both Dungeon Family, including producers DJ Primier, Rusty J. and Anthony David to name a few.
Word of her unbelievable talent is spreading like wildfire in the artist community.
This Virgo has proven that she possesses an innate ability to create a unique energy and vibration in her music that'll leave you addicted, craving for more.

Stay Tuned!


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